Jul 19, 2023"i've been having an experience at work the last ~2 mths where i share an idea, strategy, approach etc and i can hear in their reply tht the client didn't understand it then someone else will say what i said with variation & the client is receptive i feel like i'm losing my mind"
🏿 Black Lives Matter. The collection of emojis related to Black Lives Matter international movement.. There is also a custom twitter "blm" emoji that appears right after the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on Twitter.. It can't be copied as text as it's a combination of emojis: 🏽 🏾 🏿 on a PNG image.
🏽 Raised Fist: Medium Skin Tone Emoji Meaning. There is a custom "blm" emoji for a hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on Twitter. It looks like a combination of emojis: 🏽 🏾 🏿 on one PNG image, with 🏾 Raised Fist: Medium-Dark Skin Tone and 🏿 Raised Fist: Dark Skin Tone on the top and 🏽 Raised Fist: Medium Skin Tone on the bottom of the image.
A common pattern in #BlackLivesMatter tweets shows all fist variations 🏿 🏾 🏽 🏼 🏻. This seems to be generally intended as a show of solidarity more than an attempt to subvert #BlackLivesMatter with #AllLivesMatter - though a deeper analysis would be required to determine to what extent this is the case. ↩︎
Jan 16, 2024🏻 Raised Fist: Light Skin Tone Emoji Meaning From A Girl? When a girl uses the 🏻 emoji, it typically indicates one of the following meanings: Solidarity: The 🏻 emoji is commonly used by girls to show support and solidarity with marginalized communities and social justice causes. It can be used to express unity and a commitment to ...
🏼 is an Emoji modifier sequence, which is composed of two emojis, namely: (Emoji modifier base) and 🏼 (Emoji modifier). There are 5 types of skin tone Emoji modifiers, namely: 🏻 , 🏼 , 🏽 , 🏾 , 🏿 .
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